Deleting and Removing Drivers
Understanding how Runway handles your drivers so you can keep your model tidy and intact.
Your drivers exist across your entire Runway workspace — this is what allows them to be reused across different pages. They're usually created in one model, and then can be reused in other places.
This flexibility adds a bit of nuance to how drivers are removed from specific blocks, versus deleted entirely:
- Remove from block removes the driver from the specific block you're in, but would preserve references to that driver that may exist in other blocks or formulae.
- This is the default action for a standard backspace on a driver, or for deleting a Model page, so as not to unexpectedly break other pages or drivers.
- Delete deletes the driver across all of Runway. This is the trash-can icon, or the shift + backspace shortcut. Deleting a driver will break any formulas that reference it and instantly remove all references across all blocks.
- This is the default behavior for deleting a driver column in a database.

This behavior creates the possibility that you may remove all references to a driver across your entire model, resulting in it not being present in any block in the app.
However, these drivers can still be used in formulas, and can still be referenced in any block across the app.
In order to allow you to find and process these drivers (either by adding them back to a page, or deleting them entirely), you can process these “unlisted” drivers via this page in your sidebar.

The Unlisted Drivers page holds all the drivers that are present in your model, but absent from any specific page or block. This page is only available to Admins, and will only appear in your sidebar when there are drivers that meet the conditions of being “unlisted”.
It functions largely as like any Model page would, and you can use it to delete drivers, or move them back to a specific model.
On the Unlisted Drivers page, the backspace shortcut will pull up the deletion confirmation screen, which will fully delete the selected drivers.