Ask Runway AI Copilot

Investor reporting

Learn about scenarios and share links, plus managing guest access to reports.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of sharing investor or board reports in your Runway workspace. For detailed information on page structure and setup, refer to our Page Guide.

Scenarios & Share Links

By default, Runway shares the main scenario with guests, ensuring everyone is on the same page. However, you can choose to present other plans as well. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Access the share sheet.

b. Navigate to guest settings.

c. Toggle on additional scenarios as needed for your guest link.


Once you've configured your scenarios, you need to share the guest link with your board or investors:

a. Toggle on the guest invite link.

b. Copy the provided link.

c. Share the link with your intended recipients.

Guest access in Runway is read-only.

Managing Guest Access

To understand what your investors will see in Runway, switch to guest mode or open a new window and log in with a different email.


You can remove access to any resource in Runway by navigating to the share sheet, selecting the user, and toggling them to “No access”.


Additional pages, models, and databases can be shared with guests by repeating the steps above. If sharing with a smaller set of users, you can also provision access by typing their email addresses into the share sheet.


For more detailed information, please refer to the video or reach out at

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Last updated on November 21, 2023