Ask Runway AI Copilot

FX Rate Normalization

Pull in FX rates and use database formulas to normalize values.

You may want to normalize across different currencies for a variety of reasons. In this example we’ll discuss doing so to calculate a normalized (USD) employee pay rate across different countries given data coming in from Rippling.

  1. Create a Google Sheet for FX conversion rates:
      • One row per source currency per month (YYYY-MM-DD).
      • Columns: Name (starting with "database_"), Source Currency, Amount (conversion rate), Month.
      • Tab name should include "#runway".
      • If you prefer to manage the data in Runway, you can directly populate a Runway database with the timeseries info (jump to step 2)
      • An example of the expected format is below:
        • Notion image
  1. Share Sheet and Sync to Runway:
      • Add a Google Sheets integration and a query as follows, where the ID is taken from the URL of your sheet.
      Notion image
      • Sync this sheet to a new Runway Database just for FX.
  1. Database Formulas:
      • Create a switch function using coalesce() in the employee's database to calculate normalized salaries.
      • For example
        • If currency is Euro, multiply local salary by Euro-to-USD driver.
        • If currency is GBP, multiply local salary by GBP-to-USD driver.
        • If currency is USD, keep as is.
      • This is currently nonintuitive; here’s what your formula might look like. Coalesce will return the first non-null value, so if the filter matches the first term, it’ll return
        • monthly cost where currency = EUR * EUR → USDxchange rate
        • Also note we are referring to the “amount” column in the FX table, and we have to aggregate it since we’re filtering on that database.
        • Notion image
  1. Update and Validate:
      • Keep rates updated. If you’re using a Google Sheet, data will pull daily.
      • If you’re storing values in Runway directly, update it monthly!
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Last updated on October 17, 2023