Ask Runway AI Copilot

Create your first page

Learn how to add a new page, customize charts, and share your page.

Pages in Runway allow you to seamlessly create and share dynamic, always-up-to-date views of your models and dashboards. You can use pages to report on strategic plans, check in on progress, and collaborate with stakeholders. Pages are perfect for investor or board updates, key metrics, budget vs. actuals comparisons, headcount planning, and more.

Adding a new page

  1. Click the + Create page right below Pages in the main nav. Alternatively, click the + button that appears next to Pages when you hover the cursor over the main nav.
  1. Type a name for your page and, optionally, change the icon.
  1. Build your page by adding blocks. Blocks are the components of your content page.
    1. Notion image

      The following block options will appear when you type / or click the + button that appears to the left when you hover over a block:

      • Driver charts
        • Select individual drivers, driver groups, or all the drivers in a model to visualize as charts on the page. Once you have your selection, click the Done button.

          The corresponding model will reflect any changes you make to a driver on the page.

      • Driver table
        • Pull in the table for individual drivers, driver groups, or all the drivers in a model. Once you have your selection, click the Done button.

          The corresponding model will reflect any changes you make to a driver on the page.

      • Database table
        • Pull in a complete database table.

          The corresponding database will reflect any changes you make to a driver on the page.

      • Plan timeline
        • Pull in the timeline from your plans section.

          The corresponding plan will reflect any changes you make on the page.

      • Text
        • Start typing or select this block to add text to your page.

          You can also tag drivers’ values on a specific date by typing @ followed by the name of the driver, pressing Enter, and then selecting Value on date. The values will update automatically when you change the scenario.

      • Video
        • Embed a video from a link.

      Customizing your charts

      A Customize button appears at the top right of the charts block when you hover over the block. The options to customize the charts are:

      • Change the start date or the end date of the charts.
      • Display the chart as a line chart, bar chart, or value.
        • Line chart
          Line chart
          Bar chart
          Bar chart
      • Select a single chart for each driver, or display all drivers in the same chart.
      • Change the size of the single charts.
      • Add more drivers to your charts.
      • Remove a driver from the charts or open the driver detail view. You can access these two options by clicking the six dots icon located either to the left of the drivers’ list or at the top right of an individual chart when you hover over it.

      Sharing your page

    2. Click the Share button at the top right of the page.
    3. Activate the Allow access via share link toggle.
    4. Select the scenarios that will be visible to anyone with the link.
    5. Click the Copy link button.
    6. Paste the link in the messaging or communication tool of your choice to share it.
    7. If you’re sharing the link with someone who does not have the role of member, manager, or admin, they’ll enter as a guest. Guests have read-only access to the pages and scenarios that have been explicitly shared with them.

      Keep in mind that to access the page, people will need to log into Runway with a Google or Rippling account.
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Last updated on June 27, 2023